A.I.S.I. As I See It

A.I.S.I. As I See It


Video Production










travel video





music video

What can be done

...Development of Computer Presentation Graphics, 3D Animation, WebSites, Non-Linear Video Editing/Compositing, and Video Production.

...Coordinate and facilitate outside services, develop and assist as a Media Content Provider (MCP) for Broadband & Narrowband hypermedia applications for the recent surge in World Wide Web ( WWW ) activity. Authoring of living, breathing applications for the broadband multimedia rich Web and Interactive TV (ITV) environment.

...Research and consulting on the merging forces of the Cable Modems, ISDN, & ADSL industry and virtual networking systems from broadband to narrowband applications.

...Design, integrate and manage in house results for turn-key projects from concept to distrubution of Video Infotainment Platforms (VIP).

...Create end-to-end high-level architect and applications for Enhanced Pay Per View and Video On Demand (EPPV/VOD) delivery systems for diverse populations.

...Follow an overall production stage guidelines (The plan, specifications, design, script/storyboards, program production, merge/debug & evaluation).

...Develop stand-alone interactive multimedia presentations or training courseware with feedback and response measurement.

...Interacting with Production Management regarding all jobs, outgoing materials & billing.

...Coordinating all activities within a Multimedia and Video production department.

...Coordinating outside services (production houses, edit facilities, etc.).

...Experience as a team leader & in structuring a design department.

...Solid organizational and communication (oral/written) skills.

...Training and development of all members of a department.

...Develop budgets for all jobs and work within its confines.

...Develop a hypermedia broadband network application.

...Delegating jobs to the members of a Multimedia team.

...Build stand-alone point-of-sale or information kiosks.

...Tracking publications for design teams use.

...Overseeing all jobs within department.

...Interact with others for creative input.

...Managing a Multimedia Design team.

...Structuring a time table for all jobs.

...Advise in system configuration.

...Create training disks.

...Budgeting all job

...Web Site Design

...Web Site Development et and I

...Web Site Hosting


...Offering a complete set of services to help evolve your Internntranet presence into a highly effective tool that integrates with your current business-to-business practices, and helps you re-engineer for the next millennium.

...Work closely with executive levels of your organization to formulate an Internet & Intranet strategy tied closely with your business goals.

...Leverage extensive experience with interactive design techniques and technologies to create an exciting user-focused experience.

...As more and more communications companies enter into the Broadband arena, designers, content producers and Internet service providers available to solve your problems.

...Work with one-way video news and entertainment services that covers high-speed access to the Internet via cable modems and cable set-tops, interactive TV, packet-switched telephony and all other developments that constitute new cable service.

...From point to multipoint high-speed multicasting services bring the Internet to the TV as well as TV to the Internet. As the Internet breaks out of the Narrowband area, will be there to comment to Internet content that expands upon text, graphics, audio and still-frame video content, and interactive services delivered by wireless cable and satellite systems.

...Web Site Design

...Web Site Development

...Web Site Hosting







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The Open Directory Project is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web. It is constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors.

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