S.O.P. Standard Operating Procedure

S.O.P. Standard Operating Procedure


web site design







Web Site
Design & Development:



...Images and Icons


...Domain Name Registration

...In-house Server setup

...Presence Provider setup

...Developing the Theme

...Developing the "Look"

...Getting the Message Out

...Receiving the Response [Image]

...Finding and Building an Audience

...Web Site Design

...Web Site Development

...Web Site Hosting

Web Authoring and Maintenanc:

...HTML, XHTML, DHTML, XML, CSS, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, ASP

...Designing Graphic

...Electronic Media development

...Building the Web Site

...Content Integration

...Maintaining the Web Site

...Indexing the Web Site to Search Engines











...Open Source




conception & development of a road map and execution of the e-business governance model offering various self-serve capabilities for your external customers

e-commerce/e-business Web Site Development:
On-line Stores

...Unique Shopping Cart design

...Secure credit cards

...Electronic Billing solution

...Remote store management tools

...Fulfillment center connectivity

...e-commerce Website hosting

...Custom application development

...Capturing Customer/Prospect Information

...Internet Security













promoting video









...To developing a successful web strategy for the launch of a new web site or improving an existing one is on the minds of most business owners and sales and marketing managers. crayton.communications can help develped various Internet Marketing ideas that will help you keep your team on-track through the process of developing a successful Internet presence.

...Internet marketing services include Web site promotion, integrated Web marketing campaigns, site usage analyses, and marketing performance tracking. Our Continuous Improvement services include ongoing management of your Web sites and application, including Web development, software engineering, graphic and multimedia design, and business analysis.

On-line Marketing

...Targeted on-line campaigns

...Banner ad creation

...Strategic on-line partnership development

...Traffic measurement


...The internet reaches around the globe, but in today's mobile society, many of your online correspondents or Web site visitors may also be in your local geographical area. Given the choice, it's always better to meet customers in person than through a computer screen, so do what you can to encourage in-person contacts. Here are some ideas:

...Include your physical address in your e-mail signature. If your mail correspondents know where you're located, they may well stop by when they're in the area.

...Use an establishment date on your online storefront. Customers are leery of Net businesses because they could easily have been established yesterday. If you've been in business a long time, let customers know that. (If you've been on the Net more than a year, that makes you an old-timer there, so mention that, too.)

...Invite calls. A lot of people online don't want phone calls and don't include phone numbers in their e-mail signatures. Don't deny a potential customer the opportunity to talk to you in person. If you're discussing a complex topic in a discussion group or an e-mail message, invite your correspondents to phone you for further conversation about it.

...Suggest informal gatherings at conferences. When you attend a conference or trade show, mention it in discussion group messages and suggest a get-together at the conference. Many of the people following a discussion group may also be attending a related conference, so it's a good place to gather in person.

...Include information about your store when you ship orders. If you have a printed catalog or other information about your physical location, include it with any orders you ship to online customers. It could promote a whole side of your business that online customers probably don't know about.

...Participate in a local BBS. Check your local computer user group or computer dealer for information about local bulletin board systems, and start participating in discussions there. You'll already be connecting with a local audience that may visit you in person, and you'll also have a chance to announce your online storefront or other services to cybernauts who may not be aware of them.



database sql












online servers











...Retrieving and manipulating data



...Web Site Design

...Web Site Development

Web Site Hosting


...Web site security





...Platforms, WWW, FTP, Mail, News, and other services; Protocols, Site administration

...Develop installs, and maintains internet and intranet relational database management systems RDBMS) and geographic information systems (GIS). ...The server supports structured query language (SQL) and PC/ArcInfo applications in a Windows NT environment. The team also designs and implements custom applications. Emphasize providing remote client access to content-rich datafiles. Members of the team are available to assess your information needs and recommend hardware and software solutions to your sophisticated remote access goals. Emphasis is hosting your information, thus relieving you of the problems associated with maintaining remote access for your clients. Whether your information transfer need is a client contact list or a series of inter-related technical datafiles, graphics, and reference publications, we can create a web presence for you. Delivers training designed to get you up to speed with today's high-end software. Available to design a custom training program to help you use web browser, database, and GIS applications. Whether you want individualized on-site instruction in Access, Visual DBase, ArcView, Netscape Navigator, or other packages, can fit a program to your specific needs. Let me know what you want, and members of the my team will work with you to make it happen.

Training, Hosting, and Site Development

...Database Design

...GIS Design

...Remote Interactive Connectivity Remote

...Application Hosting

...Remote System

...Individualized Training


...Databases are the meat behind the Websites of the future. More and more sites use database technology. Most of the Contact forms on Websites are e-mailed to people. Why not store that information in a database? You can use it to track response times (Customer Service), what a person likes about your product (Marketing), and how likely someone is to buy it (Sales). Can even track their progress through your site so you can know what they like or dislike.

...Properly designed Intranets & Internet are based on database technology. Any bit of information that is useful to your company can and should be stored. The cost of a decent sized hard drive to store the information is trivial when compared to its value. Manuals, Human Resources options, and more can be cataloged, searched, and viewed very easily using today's database technology. Ordering a product and creating a work order is simplified when using a properly designed Intranet. Management can track the progress of employees with a few clicks. This is one of the most popular services we offer

How Search Engines Work
When you want to find something on the Internet you will do a search on one of the major search engines, such as Yahoo, or Google. All search engine has there own way of conducting the search, basically looking for keywords or phrases imbedded in your site. Make sure you use words in your title, metatags, and text that your site visitors are likely to think of in a search for you. is a search engine designed to search for information on the World Wide Web. Information may consist of web pages, images and other types of files. Some search engines also mine data available in newsgroups, databases, or open directories. Unlike Web directories, which are maintained by human editors, search engines operate algorithmically or are a mixture of algorithmic and human input.If you want to see what works, select a few appropriate keywords and do a search. See who comes up on the first page and see how they are using those keywords in their site.

Submit to Search Engines
Alot people think that search engines spyer all the Internet and if you're out there they will find you. Wrong! If you go to a search engine homepage you will find a link for submitting URL's for inclusion in their searches. That's the first step. Submit your website to any and all you are aware of. The biggest search engine, Yahoo accounts for over half of all web searches. Follow their guidelines carefully as they are notoriously difficult to get accepted to, but it's well worth it if you can pull it off. There are also "pay for placement" services like FindWhat.com where you can bid on the keywords that best describe your site, and the #1 position goes to the highest bidder. They're worth checking into because they can send you considerable amounts of traffic for as little as a penny per click. The best part is you can get traffic to your site fast, it only takes about 10 minutes to open an account. For more on these types of services.

Spread Your Web Site
Search engines account for much of your new traffic, make sure you take advantage of all other avenues. Other websites with similar content and exchange links with them. You can place your web address on every printed piece you produce. Make sure it's on your business cards, your letterhead and anywhere else you can get it. If you have unique site content, let your local newspaper know and you'll probably get a free article. The Internet is a big interest area right now.

What is an Affiliate Program?
An affiliate program is any type of revenue sharing program where a web site receives a portion of income for generating leads, traffic, or sales through a graphic or text link to a merchant web site. They specify how much affiliates will be paid and under what payment structure, how sales will be tracked, how long referrals from their site will be counted between the time the customer visits the site and actually purchases (cookies), minimum pay-out amounts, and when checks will be sent.

Who Can Be an Affiliate?
Merchants can sign up with Affiliate Networks to manage the program for purchase software to track sales.
Any business that sells products or services online can offer an affiliate program as a method of enticing and compensating advertisers to promote their product.

Affiliate Marketing?
Bis a web-based marketing practice in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate's marketing efforts.

Affiliate marketing overlaps with other internet marketing methods to some degree, because affiliates often use regular advertising methods. Those methods include organic search engine optimization, paid search engine marketing, email marketing and in some sense display advertising. On the other hand, affiliates sometimes use less orthodox techniques like publishing reviews of products or services offered by a partner.

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