F.Y.I. For Your Information

F.Y.I. For Your Information













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...Provide you with an attractive, functional and interactive web site that keeps clients coming back for more.

In conjunction;

...Who is the target audience?

...Decide what information and tools can br provided to entice our audience to come, stay and return

...Create a content plan for the site * categorise content and place individual topics in those categories

...Create a paper prototype ( if the site is large )

...Look at your competitors site, and create a better site for you

...Build the site to match the content plan * create an interface that is easy to navigate

...Use existing business material such as brochures, giving them more Web impact

...Scan and edit photographs, drawings and logos

...Create new artwork to enhance the site

...Create animations to enhance the page, including shockwave animations and gif animations

...Program the java, javascript and perl code to create an attractive, interactive and informative site

...Place keywords and descriptions in meta tags to ensure search engines list your site

...Web Site Design

...Web Site Development

...Web Site Hosting


...Offer consulting services in web site design and development. From the development of a corporate internet & intranet plan to the establishment of a true corporate presence on the net. With today's fast paced technology it is increasingly important to have a plan on how it is going to pay off for your company today and into the future.

....Withi the constantly growing market of web site design & development, there are a few premier companies leading the competition. These companies are setting industry trends and standards, offering dynamic new options to their clientele. Specialty is that wide range of options that can offer our customers. Strength is our diversity; the kind of diversity many companies are looking for when they are considering entering or expanding their Internet & Intranet presence. Simply a web designing & development company, but a total Internet resource.

...Properlhy designed Intranets & Internet are based on database technology. Any bit of information that is useful to your company can and should be stored. The cost of a decent sized hard drive to store the information is trivial when compared to its value. Manuals, Human Resources options, and more can be cataloged, searched, and viewed very easily using today's database technology. Ordering a product and creating a work order is simplified when using a properly designed Intranet. Management can track the progress of employees with a few clicks. This is one of the most popular services we offer.



...Your employees is the easiest and most productive way of increasing your bottom line. We offer instructor led training in all applications and some development tools. One of the hottest trends in training today is web based training. We can work with you to develop web based training for all of you training needs.

Instructional Design Competencies:

...Ability to judge how to present information to effectively train learners at a given level

...Ability to effectively address the Internet training needs of specialized subject groups (e.g., medical professionals or engineers)

...Ability to assess the learning needs of a group of learners as well as the level of access to the Internet that the learners will have before, during and after the training. (e.g, full internet, no internet, SLIP, PPP, dial-access to shell account, etc.)

...Ability to make a distinction between "functional skills" (how to attach word-processing documents in e-mail or html documents and put them on a ...Web server to save long distance fax and courier bills, etc.) and "research skills" (finding and using data and information on or through the Internet)

Internet Specific Competencies:

...Knowledge of the major historical facts related to the Internet and basic terminology definitions.

...Ability to explain the relationships between the Internet and its various component and associated networks, regional networks, commercial internet access providers and online services

...Ability to explain the domain name concept, domain name services, Internet addressing and URL's.

...Ability to explain the client-server concept, including the concept of the World Wide Web.

...Knowledge of how to locate, read and use manuals and other helpful texts in print as well as on the Internet itself.

...Knowledge of where to find and how to use the major Internet resource guides and finding tools available on the Internet

...Detailed functional knowledge of how to use PPP or SLIP software on one or more computer platforms (e.g., Macintosh OS, Windows 3.x, Windows 95, ...Windows NT, UNIX, Linux etc.), and basic connection requirements and capabilities. or alternately knowledge of how to work with an established 56k or higher dedicated Internet connection on one or more computer platform.

...Awareness of commercial public access Internet providers and how to work with them.

...Detailed functional knowledge of the hardware and types of connection required for graphical World Wide Web and other Internet client software.

...Demonstrated awareness of different mailer software (detailed functional knowledge not necessary but useful)

...Detailed functional knowledge of at least one POP mail software package (Eudora, Pegasus Mail, CC:MAIL, etc.) and at least one smtp mail software package (ELM , Pine, VMS Mail, LMail, etc.)

...Knowledge of Internet culture, netiquette and intellectual property issues related to the Internet and especially electronic mail and discussion groups. (must know what EFF is)

...Detailed functional knowledge of the contents of email headers and how to do elementary trouble shooting of bounced email.

...Detailed functional knowledge of how to use email to subscribe to email discussions on both LSOFT Listserv and Unix Listproc as well as Majordomo, Mailbase etc.

...Detailed functional knowledge of how to participate in discussion lists or newsgroups correctly; including how to reply to, submit postings to, set to nomail, mail and digest as well as how to locate and search discussion list and newsgroup archives.

...Detailed functional knowledge of at least one kind of Usenet newsreader and awareness of different newsreader availability on different computer systems.

...Awareness of how to locate and read discussion list and newsgroup FAQ's.

...Detailed functional knowledge of how to use Telnet through a Web browser, desktop Telnet program or command line Telnet program.

...Detailed functional knowledge of how to describe and use Telnet addresses in both alpha and IP format.

...Detailed functional knowledge of how to find Telnet-accessible Internet sites using Hytelnet or other search tools.

...Detailed functional knowledge of how to escape from a Telnet connection.

...Detailed functional knowledge of how to interpret ftp instruction provided through email sources.

...Detailed functional knowledge of how to make anonymous ftp connection and retrieve ascii text files. Also be able to identify ascii filetypes.

...Detailed functional knowledge of how to make anonymous ftp connection and retrieve binary files. Also be able to identify binary filetypes.

...Detailed functional knowledge of how to use gopher resources through Web browsers, how to form a gopher URL and to perform a simple keyword search with Veronica (and Jughead)and explain what has been searched and retrieved.

...Awareness of client server relationships and the variety of available Web browsers.

...Detailed functional knowledge of how to retrieve, install, configure and customize at least one graphical Web browser (e.g., Netscape, Internet Explorer, Mosaic, etc.) on one or more computer platforms. This includes customization of bookmarks or favorites files.

...Detailed functional knowledge of how to use both text only (Lynx) as well as graphical World Wide Web browsers (Netscape, Internet Explorer, Mosaic, etc.).

...Detailed functional knowledge of how to use and describe the URL address format in the context of a World Wide Web browser

...Detailed functional knowledge of how to locate and use Web Search tools such as Altavista, Yahoo, Infoseek, WebCrawler, LYCOS etc

...Detailed functional knowledge of Hypertext Markup Language (html). Additional Technical Qualifications that will Enhance a Certified Internet ...Trainer's Ability to Teach Internet Skills to End-Users.

...Knowledge of e-mail access for ftp, Gopher and Web

...Detailed functional knowledge of how to use tools like nslookup, ping, finger, netfind, whois, and X.500 to trouble-shoot during hands-on sessions.

...Detailed functional knowledge of how to locate, evaluate, install and set up Internet related software on microcomputers* (including SLIP, PPP and socket programs, etc.)

...Detailed functional knowledge of how to locate, install and set up World Wide Web server software on one of more microcomputer platforms.

...Web Site Design

...Web Site Development

...Web Site Hosting

Support & Maintenance

...Provide customers with the best Customer Service in the business. Want your business and will do everything in our power to make sure you are completely satisfied. Whether you need advice on establishing the goals and focus of your web site, integrating a database, adding multimedia or an inside look at the latest technologies, we can help.

...Provide you with an attractive, functional and interactive web site that keeps clients coming back for more.

....Once client's web site has been completed, constantly monitor the site. Frequently back-up all the data, while keeping a log of the site "hits". Upon request can create and analyze Website activity statistics and Search Engine position ranking reports.

...Properly designed Intranets & Internet are based on database technology. Any bit of information that is useful to your company can and should be stored. The cost of a decent sized hard drive to store the information is trivial when compared to its value. Manuals, Human Resources options, and more can be cataloged, searched, and viewed very easily using today's database technology. Ordering a product and creating a work order is simplified when using a properly designed Intranet. Management can track the progress of employees with a few clicks. This is one of the most popular services we offer.


...Offer a complete solution to your PC technology requirements including

...Applications software selection, implementation and training

...Hardware planning and integration

...Network software selection and setup

...On-site training for a range of application software

...Strategies Web Site Design

...Web site hosting training

...Information technology Project

    ...Web Site Design

    ...Web Site Development

    ...Web Site Hosting

BUSINESS CONSULTING: Expertise and experience covers a wide range of industry including manufacturing, retail, distribution, construction, publishing and others. With our unique combination of educational and work experience skills in management, accounting, finance and computers, areable to offer a complete solution for your company in the following areas.

  1. Information Technology: Research and recommendations for determining the proper hardware and software configuration for the company or business unit based on criteria set out by the client.

  2. Project Management: Working independently or in conjunction with your Management or appointed staff to plan and implement the project. Offer an independant voice on the Steering Comittee to help ensure the project stays on track. Controllership.

  3. Business Process Improvement: Assistance in identifying, developing and implementing business process and organizational improvements by working independently or with your staff.

How Search Engines Work
When you want to find something on the Internet you will do a search on one of the major search engines, such as Yahoo, or Google. All search engine has there own way of conducting the search, basically looking for keywords or phrases imbedded in your site. Make sure you use words in your title, metatags, and text that your site visitors are likely to think of in a search for you. is a search engine designed to search for information on the World Wide Web. Information may consist of web pages, images and other types of files. Some search engines also mine data available in newsgroups, databases, or open directories. Unlike Web directories, which are maintained by human editors, search engines operate algorithmically or are a mixture of algorithmic and human input.If you want to see what works, select a few appropriate keywords and do a search. See who comes up on the first page and see how they are using those keywords in their site.

Submit to Search Engines
Alot people think that search engines spyer all the Internet and if you're out there they will find you. Wrong! If you go to a search engine homepage you will find a link for submitting URL's for inclusion in their searches. That's the first step. Submit your website to any and all you are aware of. The biggest search engine, Yahoo accounts for over half of all web searches. Follow their guidelines carefully as they are notoriously difficult to get accepted to, but it's well worth it if you can pull it off. There are also "pay for placement" services like FindWhat.com where you can bid on the keywords that best describe your site, and the #1 position goes to the highest bidder. They're worth checking into because they can send you considerable amounts of traffic for as little as a penny per click. The best part is you can get traffic to your site fast, it only takes about 10 minutes to open an account. For more on these types of services.

Spread Your Web Site
Search engines account for much of your new traffic, make sure you take advantage of all other avenues. Other websites with similar content and exchange links with them. You can place your web address on every printed piece you produce. Make sure it's on your business cards, your letterhead and anywhere else you can get it. If you have unique site content, let your local newspaper know and you'll probably get a free article. The Internet is a big interest area right now.

What is an Affiliate Program?
An affiliate program is any type of revenue sharing program where a web site receives a portion of income for generating leads, traffic, or sales through a graphic or text link to a merchant web site. They specify how much affiliates will be paid and under what payment structure, how sales will be tracked, how long referrals from their site will be counted between the time the customer visits the site and actually purchases (cookies), minimum pay-out amounts, and when checks will be sent.

Who Can Be an Affiliate?
Merchants can sign up with Affiliate Networks to manage the program for purchase software to track sales.
Any business that sells products or services online can offer an affiliate program as a method of enticing and compensating advertisers to promote their product.

Affiliate Marketing?
Bis a web-based marketing practice in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate's marketing efforts.

Affiliate marketing overlaps with other internet marketing methods to some degree, because affiliates often use regular advertising methods. Those methods include organic search engine optimization, paid search engine marketing, email marketing and in some sense display advertising. On the other hand, affiliates sometimes use less orthodox techniques like publishing reviews of products or services offered by a partner.

Meta Tags
While it is true that in the past meta tags were sorely abused by greedy webmasters and thus discounted by major search engines, you’ll find that meta tags, the bits of text in the header tags invisible to viewers, are still important in smaller search engines and gaining relevancy again in search engines like Google, and the comeback kid, Yahoo. Newcomers and those who have ignored Meta tags for so long they forgot the best methods for using them, here are some essentials on utilizing meta tags.

Meta Descriptions
The Meta description, are not seen on the actual web page, but is seen as the link description in search engine results pages. The description is vital for convincing viewers to click on the link. Think of it is your one-chance sales pitch. Make sure the keywords appear at the beginning.

Meta Keywords
Indexable character cap for engines on the keyword tag so pick your best words. Do not keyword stuff! Your site could be banned from search engines for filling your Meta keyword tag with senseless repetition of keywords or the inclusion of irrelevant words. The object of the keyword tag is to summarize what is on the page with a list of keywords.

A robots tag look like this: [meta name=”robots” content=”index, follow”]. The robots tag speaks specifically to search engine spiders to tell it whether or not to index a page. If you have web pages that you don’t want to be spidered, then you need to use a “no follow” tag in your Meta robots tag.

Meta Name Tags
Meta name tags; “author” “copyright” “rating” and “distribution” tags.

Title Tags
Title tags are not Meta tags, they are included with Meta tags in the HTML head tags. Title tags are important for search engine optimization. Title tag on a web page is displayed as the link on search engine results pages.

What is DMOZ?
Dmoz.org is a volunteer directory that lists submitted internet web sites by category. The categories has a volunteer editor that accepts sites for their respective category. Open Directory Projec.,

The Open Directory Project is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web. It is constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors.

Submitting to DMOZ

  • Sites Using ODP Data - Category listing of all sites, search engines, portals, etc. using the ODP RDF dump.
  • Linking to the ODP - Show your support of the ODP by linking to us from your site.
  • Downloading ODP Data - Get the Definitive Directory of the Web for your site. It's free and available to everyone.
  • Free Use License - License governing use of ODP data.
  • Social Contract - Our commitment and promise to all net-citizens to keep the ODP a free and open resource.
  • Awards - Our site has won a number of awards.
  • General FAQ - Want more info? Check out some general FAQs about us in our Help area.

Shared IP Address
Web server all over are assigned an IP address. IP address might look something like this: The server’s IP address generally stays the same all the time. All websites on the internet are hosted on shared IP addresses, which means that one server with one IP address holds multiple domain names.

It used to be that every domain name had a different IP address, but with the rapid increase of domains needed and the finite number of IP addresses they began to share IPs. Servers are able to determine by the domain entered in a user’s browser which domain is being requested, even though it may send a request for an IP with hundreds of domains.

Dedicated IP Address
Dedicated IP address is set aside specifically for one domain, like in the old days. If someone types in the numeric form of the IP address the same domain will always appear in the browser. Dedicated IP addresses are no longer the norm and it usually costs more to get one.

Who Needs a Dedicated IP Address?
Dedicated IP addresses are used for large web sites or secure e-commerce web sites.

Benefits of a Dedicated IP Address
Shared IP is usually easier and cheaper, there are a few advantages to having a dedicated IP address. A dedicated IP is needed for three specific reasons:

Using Private SSL Certificate. Only if you need to have your own SSL certificate. SSL certificates are needed for accepting credit cards online. Web sites that are hosted that offer SSL usually offer a shared SSL certificate where users can share the web host’s SSL. You are using your web host’s SSL you don’t need a dedicated IP.

Anonymous FTP.
Is a method of sharing files on the Internet. Anonymous FTP means a computer will allow anyone using the FTP software access a special directory for files on its disk drive. The service is called Anonymous FTP because the user name used to sign in is "anonymous." To enable anonymous FTP certain web hosts require dedicated IP for the anonymous FTP function to work properly. Your web host if this is an issue for you.

Setting up your own Domain Name Server.
Since all web hosts provide you with their DNS servers, you don't need to have your own, but if you choose to have your own name server you will need to have a dedicated IP address to do so.

Search Engines Ban Shared IP Users
Recent rumors suggested that search engines have blocked spam activity, by blocking ip addresses. Since shared IP address users are bundled together on the same IP address with many others, innocent sites would be banned from search engines if this were the case. The rumor, however, is false. Alot web hosting services use an IP sharing environment. Using modern name-based technology a search engine is able to ban anything on a domain name instead of an entire IP neighborhood. So it continues to be search engine safe to host a site on a shared IP environment. To sum up- serious webmasters who would like total control over their server and space, and e-commerce web sites who need their own SSL certificates are the best candidates for dedicated IP addresses. The rest of us can just happily coexist on the cheaper shared IP’s

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